Dear Friends, The Season of Advent is again upon us. We get ready again to prepare for the birth of Jesus, our Saviour, in a manger in Bethlehem, at Christmastime. We remember how God had promised his people such a Saviour long ago through his prophets. We hear again how
Christmas Tree Festival 30th November & 1st December
1st December Advent Sunday
Sunday 27th October and Sunday 3rd November 1.30-4pm Chill and Chat in Church
The Rector’s October letter
Dear Friends, In October, the Church has an opportunity to celebrate Bible Sunday, the day on which it gives thanks to God for the Canon of different books that make up the New and Old Testaments that He has given us to read and learn from. Each book was written
Craft Sale Saturday 5th October
Christmas Tree Festival
Would you like to decorate a tree for the festival being held on the weekend of 30 th November to 1st December. An entry form can be found on the What’s happening at St Nicholas page.