Wednesday afternoons in term time:
Noah’s Ark Stay and Play for parents and carers with babies and young children meets on Wednesday afternoons in term time for stay and play from 2pm till 3pm in the hall or garden. There is no charge but a small donation for refreshments is appreciated. We have a short story, song and music making in church before the Stay and Play for anyone who wants to join us. We open the church doors at 1.30pm.
Contact us through our Facebook page for further information- or just turn up!
The first Saturday morning in the month:
Open Church with refreshments from 10:30 -12:00
Wednesday 5th February Noah’s Ark 1.30pm -2pm in Church, Stay and Play 2pm -3pm in the hall
Wednesday 12th February Noah’s Ark 1.30pm -2pm in Church, Stay and Play 2pm -3pm in the hall
Friday 21st February 1-4pm Half term fun -Board Games at Barton Methodist Church.
Sunday 23rd February 1:30 – 4:00 pm Explore the Church garden and enjoy the Spring bulbs.
Refreshments available and the church will be open.
Wednesday 26th February Noah’s Ark 1.30pm -2pm in Church, Stay and Play 2pm -3pm in the hall
Saturday 1st March 10:30 -12:00 Open Church and refreshments
Wednesday 5th March Noah’s Ark 1.30pm -2pm in Church, Stay and Play 2pm -3pm in the hall
Wednesday 12th March Noah’s Ark 1.30pm -2pm in Church, Stay and Play 2pm -3pm in the hall
Saturday 15th March Women’s Breakfast 8.30 – 10.00 am in the Church Hall
Continental style breakfast, friendly conversation and a talk by Helen Becket on the Community Garden. £5 per head.
Wednesday 19th March Noah’s Ark 1.30pm -2pm in Church, Stay and Play 2pm -3pm in the hall
Wednesday 26th March Noah’s Ark 1.30pm -2pm in Church, Stay and Play 2pm -3pm in the hall
Wednesday 2nd April Noah’s Ark 1.30pm -2pm in Church, Stay and Play 2pm -3pm in the hall
Friday 11th April 12.45 – 3.45 pm Ablaze Easterfest in the church Hall for children aged 8 years and over.
e mail to book a place giving your child/ children’s name, age any medical or dietry needs and parent’s name and contact phone number. you will recieve an e mail confirming your booking.
Saturday 12th April 19:30 Quiz in the Church Hall
Sunday 20th April Easter Sunday Egg hunt in the Church garden
Monday 21st April Easter Pilgrimage to St Albans
Saturday 26th April Men’s Breakfast Fellowship in the Church Hall. Guest speaker to be announced nearer the time. Sign the list in church or contact David on 07855 546823.
Saturday 3rd May 10:30 -12:00 Open Church and refreshments
Saturday 17th May 2:30pm Concert by the Parkside Singers in the Church Hall
Sunday afternoon 25th May Family activities and refreshments in the Church
Saturday 7th June 10:30 -12:00 Open Church and refreshments
Saturday 14th June Women’s breakfast 8:30- 10:00 am in the Church Hall
Saturday 28th June St Nicholas Summer Fair
Saturday 26th July Men’s Breakfast Fellowship in the Church Hall. Guest speaker to be announced nearer the time. Sign the list in church or contact David on 07855 546823.
Sunday afternoon 3rd August Chill and Chat. Refreshments in the Church
Sunday afternoon 10th August Chill and Chat. Refreshments in the Church
Sunday afternoon 17th August Chill and Chat. Refreshments in the Church
Sunday afternoon 24th August Chill and Chat. Refreshments in the Church
Sunday afternoon 31st August Chill and Chat. Refreshments in the Church
Saturdsy 13th September Women’s Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 am in the Church Hall
Sunday 28th September 12:15 in the Church Hall Harvest bring and share lunch
Saturday 18th October Craft Sale in the Church Hall
Sunday afternoon 26th October Family activities and refreshments in the Church
Saturday 22nd October Men’s Breakfast Fellowship in the Church Hall. Guest speaker to be announced nearer the time. Sign the list in church or contact David on 07855 546823.
Saturday 8th November Peculi8 20th anniversary concert in aid of Children in Need. Concert at 2pm in the Church followed by refreshments in the church hall. Details about how to reserve tickets will be available nearer the time.
Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th December Christmas Tree Festival