Mission Action Plan for St Nicholas 2023

Our Looking

Three things we have seen about our parish and our world

  1. The way different generations communicate is changing.
  2. The cost of living crisis has brought in to focus the level of povertyin our country
  3. The need for a space for faith and for a way to express it remains

Three things we have seen about our church

  1. Our Sunday congregation and volunteer base are ageing and becoming fewer in number.
  2. We are limited in what we can do due to the people available and dwindling financial resources.
  3. More needs to be done to develop ways of being church for people of all ages, so they can feel part of church and understand what the Christian Faith is all about

Our Vision

To know Christ’s love and to share it with the whole community.

Our Priorities

Our three key priorities for the next five years

  1. To engage with the Reaching New People Agenda, as well as the big social and environmental issues of the day so that we are better able to build his Kingdom in Barton.
  2. To remember our stewardship of all that God has given us and to serve Jesus in all that we do.
  3. To improve our communication inside church and with the wider community and to address key structural and safety issues that impact the use of our grounds and buildings

Our Goals

Our five key SMART goals for the next year or more

  1. To deepen our fellowship through a programme of social activities and  a Christian Basics course to which all are invited, both inside and outside of church, starting in  September 2023
  2. To develop our work with people of all ages through Messy Church and Intergenerational worship by December 2023.    
  3. To find ways to fundraise that are not labour intensive and to implement them as soon as it is practical to do so.
  4. To widen publicity through circulating emails, Facebook, the weekly notice sheet, Outlook magazine and all possible avenues to improve communication as soon as possible.
  5. To repair the church garden wall and to continue to use the garden, as a space for recreation and reflection and worship, in accordance with the terms of its use.

Approved by the St. Nicholas PCC on  March 22nd