April News Letter

Forthcoming Events

27th April.     Barton Beats Music Workshop  for 7 years + 2pm to 5pm  at Barton Methodist Church. To book places e mail childrenandfamilies@stnicholas-barton.org.uk

4th May Men’s Breakfast with guest speaker Jonathon Fox. For more details contact David on 07855 54683

1st June         An Evening with Pam Rhodes at St. Nicholas Church. Please keep an eye on Church notice boards, website and Facebook for further information. Admission will be by tickets only and will include refreshments. Tickets will be available shortly and will be issued on a first come first served basis. The benefice of St. Nicholas Church will be given the first option on the tickets. The evening will open to the local community and Churches from the Diocese.

29th June      St. Nicholas Church Fete.                                                                 

Help will be required please contact Rachael Horsler.

Donations of  Bottles of Wine, Raffle and Tombola would be greatly appreciated, a box will be placed in Church for your donations.                  

Sunday afternoons in August          Church open and refreshments served

 A Rota will be placed in Church help will be required for the four Sundays in August. We need at least 3 people to help each Sunday so please sign up if you are willing to help

 30th November and 1st December

This is the proposed date for St. Nicholas Christmas Tree Festival but this yet to be confirmed

                        Further details to be published shortly.

Repairs to the Church

We are currently planning major and costly repairs to the Church.

North Tower Buttress current estimated costs £90K to £100K, to try offset

some of the costs we will be applying grants but fund raising will be

required to finance the work.

Unfortunately our contractor has advised scaffolding will be erected at the

front of the church and we not be able to use the bells for the duration

of the works and a period of 12 month on completion.

South Aisle East End.

A safety harass fence has been erected around the East End as a safety

Precaution. We have now received an Archdeacons Letter to proceed with

the repairs.

We have requested our Church Architect to treat the repairs to the South

Aisle as a priority over the North Tower Buttress repairs.

Garden Wall

The repairs to the Garden Wall are still ongoing currently our Church

Architect is still waiting for a repair specification from the

Structural Engineers

Situations Vacant.

Help is urgently required to help maintain the Church, Hall and Grounds.

This doesn’t involve hours a week, please view the blue notice board with

all the job roles and tasks. There are copies by the notice board you can take

away and view at your leisure. Please complete the slips of paper by the

notice board for any role you may be able to help with.

Saturday morning Coffee’s

Volunteers are required to help run monthly Saturday morning coffees in the Church Hall.