Dear Friends,
In April, the Church’s Gospel readings recall how Jesus appeared to his disciples after he rose from the dead on Easter Day. In an instant, their emotions and lives are transformed. Despair is turned into joy. in Thomas’ case his doubt about the Resurrection is replaced with belief in it, with the words, ”My Lord and my God,” when he puts his fingers in Jesus’ side and into the holes in his hands made by the nails that had held him to the cross.
A similar thing happens to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, when Jesus walks along side them and listens to them talking about his death and resurrection. They had not yet realised who it was that was walking with them. Up until then, neither of them had accepted the reality of Jesus’ empty tomb for themselves. Jesus joins in their conversation and tells them all about himself, before they invite him to stay with them and to continue their conversation over some food. As Jesus breaks bread with them, their eyes are opened and they realise who it was who had accompanied them on their journey, before Jesus disappears from their sight altogether. Just like the other disciples, their lives are transformed and they rush back to Jerusalem to tell them that it was indeed true. Jesus was alive. He had risen just as he said he would.
The risen Jesus also walks along side of each one of us, throughout life. He promises never to leave us and to surround us with his love, no matter what we may be going through or facing. Just as his risen presence was able to transform the lives of the disciples, his love is able to transform our lives too.
Christ is risen He is risen indeed. Alleluia!
God bless,